December is a busy month! The children read the Graphic Novel “Big Jim” which links in with our work on the 1913 Lockout in SESE. We learned some basic sewing skills and made Christmas Stockings.
The children really enjoyed participating in “Bookvent”. Children brought their favourite book to school, wrapped as a Christmas present and placed it under the Classroom Christmas Tree. Each day we read a chapter from a book or two, each child gave the book a score and decided if they would like to read more etc. We then tried to guess who might have brought the book to school. We now have a list of novels we hope to add to our class library in the coming months.
The children also displayed their creativity for our Crazy Christmas Hair Day!
We decorated Christmas Tree ornaments as part of the Parents’ Association Christmas Fundraiser. We also visited the Day Care Centre to sing some festive Carols.