3rd & 4thWelcome to the 3rd and 4th class webpage. We have 20 pupils in our classroom. There are 11 pupils in fourth class and 9 pupils in third class. Our teacher is Mr. Murphy. We hope you enjoy seeing some of our work and activities on this page. We will display some of our artwork and photos of the different things we get up to in our class during the year.
3rd and 4th Class 2020/2021
We are settling in well in third and fourth class and keeping our distance from each other at all times. Here we are hard at work in our classroom. A unique feature of our class this year is that we have twins in both third and fourth class.
3rd and 4th Class Work from June 8th to June 19th
This is the outline of the school work for 3rd and 4th class pupils for the weeks commencing Monday June 8th and Monday June 15th. We will have a Virtual School Tour on Friday June 12th and a Virtual Sports Day on Friday June 19th. Please keep checking Seesaw for...
3rd and 4th Class Trick Photo Challenge
As part of their Home Schooling Activities pupils from 3rd and 4th class took part in a Forced Perspective Photo Challenge where they played with the perspective of objects in a photo to 'trick' our minds. Here are some of the results.
3rd and 4th Class Work up to June 5th
This is the work set for third and fourth class pupils to complete from Monday 25th May to Friday June 5th. Pupils are asked to follow the tutorials given on Seesaw daily and to upload pictures of completed work to Seesaw.Download
3rd and 4th Class School Tour June 12th 2020
This year's school tour for 3rd and 4th class sees us leaving the classroom(literally)and travelling all the way to Disneyland Florida to visit(virtually)the thrilling rides and wonderful sights that Orlando, Florida has to offer. On opening the attached pdf pupils...
Third & Fourth Class homework for weeks commencing May 11th and May 18th
Third & Fourth Class homework for weeks commencing May 11th and May 18th
Get In Touch
Location: Dromcollogher, Co. Limerick
Telephone: (063)83229
School Hours: M-F: 9.20am - 3pm
The school office is manned Monday to Wednesday 9.00 am – 12.00 pm. An answering service is available at all other times and a call will be returned to you.