scoil naomh iosef

Active Schools

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Active Schools Week: Tuesday 27th

Active Schools Week: Tuesday 27th

Today Mr. Stokes and the Active Schools Committee organised stations for each class to complete. These included some hockey, basketball, football and soccer skills. Everybody got stuck in and had great fun!! We are still running our 1km around the school, and anyone...

Active Schools Week: Monday 26th April

Active Schools Week: Monday 26th April

Active Schools Week kick-started today, Monday 26th April! We were super lucky with the weather and we were able to complete our obstacle course outside in the grass! Mr. Stokes and the Active Schools Committee were working hard all morning setting up our challenging...

Our Well Done Wall

Our Well Done Wall

This is our 'Well Done Wall' where we post our amazing sporting achievements and competition winners for our Active Schools Competitions. Check out some of our recent additions to the wall!

Active Scavenger Hunts

Active Scavenger Hunts

Every month a class partook in an Active Scavenger Hunt, where Mr. Stokes would hide various clues around the school yard. These hunts would vary every month to include different themes such as, Halloween, Maths, Christmas, Geography etc. Each clue would be a riddle,...

Daily Mile

Daily Mile

During November and December, Scoil Naomh Iosef students undertook the 'Run Around Ireland' and 'Run Around Europe' challenges. Everyday the students ran a marked track in the school yard, they combined their distance as a class and reached places like: The Aran...

Get In Touch

Location: Dromcollogher, Co. Limerick

Telephone: (063)83229


School Hours: M-F: 9.20am - 3pm

The school office is manned Monday to Wednesday 9.00 am – 12.00 pm. An answering service is available at all other times and a call will be returned to you.