We learned about 2D shapes earlier this year. We used a variety of 2D shapes and our imaginations to have some fun during maths week. We came up with lots of ideas including houses, rockets, boats, even some animals.
Fun at P.E. for 1st & 2nd class
We have really enjoyed doing Athletics during our P.E. time for the last few weeks. We have been practicing our running, jumping and throwing skills. We particularly enjoyed trying to master the hurdles!
1st & 2nd class sept 2021
We loved creating our very own self portraits this week. We had a good look in the mirror before hand and we think we did a great job replicating ourselves!
Yoga and Mindfulness
1st and 2nd class enjoyed yoga and mindfulness outside this week! We learned lots of new poses, such as The Warrior, The Gorilla and The Mountain pose. We also learned new breathing techniques. The Bunny Breath is our favourite!
Music in the Sun!
1st and 2nd class had lots of fun playing our percussion instruments in the beautiful sunshine today!
1st and 2nd Class on RTÉ News!
1st and 2nd class became news readers this week! We did lots of research on the iPads to prepare for our news segment on RTÉ! We learned a lot about becoming global citizens and ways to look after our planet!
Get In Touch
Location: Dromcollogher, Co. Limerick
Telephone: (063)83229
Email: dromcollogherprimary@gmail.com
School Hours: M-F: 9.20am - 3pm
The school office is manned Monday to Wednesday 9.00 am – 12.00 pm. An answering service is available at all other times and a call will be returned to you.