Aviva – All Ireland FAI Primary 5s

Congratulations to the boys soccer team who travelled to the Aviva stadium on May 31st. The boys were representing Limerick and Munster in the All Ireland Finals of the FAI Primary 5s. The boys were Munster Champions in Section A of the competition and played teams from the other three provinces in the finals. The boys faced St. Joseph’s National School, Carlow in the first game. Carlow were winners in this game (3-1) and went on to take gold in the competition. The Dromcollogher boys however, went on to beat Mountbellew NS, Galway (3-2) and Craigtown NS, Donegal (3-1)
and ultimately went on to take silver in the tournament. It was a wonderful achievement and an amazing day in Dublin.

The generosity of the community ensured the boys were looked after on the day and travelled to Dublin by train,
kitted out in new school tops. Two supporters buses travelled from Scoil Naomh Iosef and we are grateful to all those who travelled and supported the team in various ways. Mr M Murphy, Mr J Stokes and Mr N Mc Enery gave selflessly of their time in the run up to these big games. The boys represented Dromcollogher so well on the day and we are so proud of
all they achieved.



Get In Touch

Location: Dromcollogher, Co. Limerick

Telephone: (063)83229

Email: dromcollogherprimary@gmail.com

School Hours: M-F: 9.20am - 3pm

The school office is manned Monday to Wednesday 9.00 am – 12.00 pm. An answering service is available at all other times and a call will be returned to you.