Our mission in Scoil Naomh Iosef is the holistic education of the individual, enabling each pupil to become responsible, caring members of society as well as encouraging them to reach their full potential.
School Calendar
Stationary List 2024/2025
Our Latest News
Hot School Meals
Our Hot School Meals got underway in Scoil Naomh Iosef in December. The children have been enjoying sampling the various options from The Lunch Bag Menu.
Christmas Activities in 5th and 6th Class
December is a busy month! The children read the Graphic Novel "Big Jim" which links in with our work on the 1913 Lockout in SESE. We learned some basic sewing skills and made Christmas Stockings. The children really enjoyed participating in "Bookvent". Children...
Christmas Raffle
Many thanks to all those who supported our Christmas Raffle. This is an essential fundraiser for our school. We appreciate the continued support of those who sponsored prizes, donated to our school, purchased tickets and sold tickets. All prizewinners have been...
Get In Touch
Location: Dromcollogher, Co. Limerick
Telephone: (063)83229
Email: dromcollogherprimary@gmail.com
School Hours: M-F: 9.20am - 3pm
The school office is manned Monday to Wednesday 9.00 am – 12.00 pm. An answering service is available at all other times and a call will be returned to you.