Each year as part of the BT Young Scientist a Primary Science Fair is also held. In recent years due to the level of interest a second Primary Science Fair has run in Mary Immaculate College. We were thrilled when one of our entries was selected to exhibit at the fair. The children worked extremely hard researching their scientific question and all the information can be found on the 5th and 6th class page. Well Done Boys and Girls!
Primary Science Exhibtion
Get In Touch
Location: Dromcollogher, Co. Limerick
Telephone: (063)83229
Email: dromcollogherprimary@gmail.com
School Hours: M-F: 9.20am - 3pm
The school office is manned Monday to Wednesday 9.00 am – 12.00 pm. An answering service is available at all other times and a call will be returned to you.