I’m sure you are aware that our school are continually trying to think of new ways to raise funds for the school. These funds are used towards purchasing resources, which are used to create engaging and interesting lessons for the children. In order to make best use of funds on educational resources we would like to engage with the wider community in a Toy Drive. Simply, toys your children may have grown out of or are no longer interested in. The following are always very welcome donations to our school:
*Jigsaws – with all the pieces
*Board games – Monopoly, Discover Ireland, Draughts etc. again with all the pieces
*Dolls + Accessories – in reasonably good condition
*Toy tractors, diggers, cars etc.
*Accessories for other make believe play: toy food, cash registers, dress up costumes (perhaps no longer required for Halloween) etc.
Thank you for your continued support of Scoil Naomh Iosef.