Scoil Naomh Iosef will re-open on Thursday August 30th. The school will open to receive children at 9.10 am with classes commencing at 9.20 am. Junior Infants will finish at 12 noon until September 14th. Senior infants will be dismissed at 2pm. All other classes will finish school at 3pm.
We would like to remind all parents to turn at St. Joseph’s park when dropping and collecting children from the school.
We hope you all had an enjoyable summer break. We look forward to meeting with you all on August 30th. A particular welcome to our seven new infants starting school on Thursday. September is a busy month. In the coming days children will receive their Book Rental Books, we ask that you check the condition of the books, read the book rental agreement and return it to the school accordingly.
The children will also receive a note regarding school insurance. 24hr cover ( which includes social, domestic and leisure activities outside of school 365 days of the year) will cost €6.40 for the 2018-2019 school year. Art/Craft and Photocopying is also due at this time.
€ 30 – first child,
€20 – second child in a family
(There is no charge for subsequent children.)