Farm Safe Schools Accreditation

Farm Safe Schools Accreditation

We are absolutely thrilled to say that we were awarded a Farm Safe Super Star Schools from FBD and Agri Aware Ireland. The children from 3rd to 6th class worked so hard on getting this award. We had one Regional Champion Cian O'Donovan in 3rd class and a runner up,...

FBD Farm Safe Regional Champion!

FBD Farm Safe Regional Champion!

Well done to Cian O'Donovan in 3rd class who won the FBD Farm Safe Regional Champion Award for Munster. Cian and his Grandad made a book about Tractor Safety together and highlighted the dangers of working with tractors and how to remain safe around tractors. Cian's...

Potato Projects

Potato Projects

5th and 6th class have been researching all about potatoes. From planting to peeling and the Great Famine. The children did lots of research on various topics based around potatoes such as various dishes made with potatoes, farming with potatoes, different types of...

Farm Safety Creativity

Farm Safety Creativity

Some of the boys in 4th class got really creative at the weekend. Anthony, Stephen, Calum and Muiris made a 'Stop Motion' video teaching us all about Farm Safety. They used their toy farm animals and machinery and some pictures of signs that we might see around a farm...

Signs and Symbols Farm Safe Schools Module 1

Signs and Symbols Farm Safe Schools Module 1

As part of Module 1 for Farm Safety Schools, the children in 5th and 6th class searched their houses for various bottles and items that may be in there homes that displayed safety or warning signs and symbols. The children looked at the various symbols that were...

James shows us around his family farm.

James in 6th class made some excellent videos around his family's farm and the various safety precautions in place. He shows us how the cows are milked and various machinery used. James tells us about how to keep safe around machinery such as P.T.O.'s, a grab and the...



Get In Touch

Location: Dromcollogher, Co. Limerick

Telephone: (063)83229


School Hours: M-F: 9.20am - 3pm

The school office is manned Monday to Wednesday 9.00 am – 12.00 pm. An answering service is available at all other times and a call will be returned to you.