Hot School Meals

Hot School Meals

Our Hot School Meals got underway in Scoil Naomh Iosef in December. The children have been enjoying sampling the various options from The Lunch Bag Menu.

Christmas Raffle

Christmas Raffle

Many thanks to all those who supported our Christmas Raffle. This is an essential fundraiser for our school. We appreciate the continued support of those who sponsored prizes, donated to our school, purchased tickets and sold tickets. All prizewinners have been...



Get In Touch

Location: Dromcollogher, Co. Limerick

Telephone: (063)83229


School Hours: M-F: 9.20am - 3pm

The school office is manned Monday to Wednesday 9.00 am – 12.00 pm. An answering service is available at all other times and a call will be returned to you.